The Truth About Your Health

This website tell you information about health, some of the secret that are may not told by your doctor, discuss the various type of diseases and its best solution. Based on reference and experience of the writer

The Truth About Your Health

This website tell you information about health, some of the secret that are may not told by your doctor, discuss the various type of diseases and its best solution. Based on reference and experience of the writer

The Truth About Your Health

This website tell you information about health, some of the secret that are may not told by your doctor, discuss the various type of diseases and its best solution. Based on reference and experience of the writer

The Truth About Your Health

This website tell you information about health, some of the secret that are may not told by your doctor, discuss the various type of diseases and its best solution. Based on reference and experience of the writer

The Truth About Your Health

This website tell you information about health, some of the secret that are may not told by your doctor, discuss the various type of diseases and its best solution. Based on reference and experience of the writer

Secret foods ingredient to cleanse your arteries from cholesterol plaque - prevent stroke and heart attack

The Cheapest Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program By Blue Heron Health News

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fat (also called a lipid) that’s waxy in consistency, and travels through the bloodstream leaving deposits in the walls of your arteries. Our bodies (specifically, our livers) make all the cholesterol we need, but we also get a little extra from some of the foods we eat as well such as :

- Meat, fish, and poultry
- Egg yolks
- Whole milk dairy products
- Foods from plants like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds have no cholesterol.

It’s common to hear people say they have “high cholesterol,” but the issue is much deeper than that, often High cholesterol is what happens when we have too much of a certain type of bad cholesterol called LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) in our bodies. When LDL-C levels increase, so do our risks. So it’s important to have your cholesterol tested, and work closely with a healthcare provider to create a treatment plan.

here are two main forms of cholesterol:

1. LDL (or low-density lipoprotein) - often referred to as “bad” cholesterol because an excess of it can cause a build-up in the artery walls.

2. HDL (high-density lipoprotein) - known as “good” cholesterol, it carries cholesterol away from the cells and back to the liver, where it is broken down or passed out of the body as waste.

High cholesterol Symptoms?

High cholesterol has no symptoms. A blood test is the only way to detect high cholesterol. As a general rule, the higher the LDL cholesterol level, the greater the potential risk to your health.

Healthy Blood Cholesterol Level

How do cholesterol affect our body?

High Cholesterol pose serious health threats because they directly affect one of the most important organs in the human body (your heart).

Moreover, too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to heart disease, a condition in which plaque forms and blocks coronary arteries. The plaque causes your arteries to harden and narrow, allowing less blood to flow through and increasing your blood pressure. As time progresses, blood clots can form after an area of plaque ruptures and blocks blood from flowing through a critical coronary artery. This blockage can cause a heart attack. Moreover, plaque buildup in arteries that supply your brain and other body parts with blood can cause a stroke.

What can I do to prevent too much cholesterol?

Leading a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle is the key to healthy levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. To keep your heart healthy, you should:

- Avoid smoking and alcohol
- Maintain a healthy weight by Exercise regularly
- Follow a healthy diet that is low in sodium
- Limit the amount of animal fats and use good fats in moderation
- Eating a heart-healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat or fat-free dairy products

Knowing your cholesterol levels is important for your overall health and well-being. Finding the balance in both your health and your lifestyle is key to maintaining normal levels of cholesterol.

Best Effective Treatment For High Cholesterol?

The truth is Lowering your cholesterol level is not the goal but clearing out your arteries is.

Myth About Cholesterol 1

What they found was shocking. Incredibly, 75% of those who suffered a heart attack had an LDL cholesterol score below 130 mg/dl (labeled as acceptable), and 50% had a score below 100 mg/dl (labeled as very healthy.) Only 25% of those who suffered a heart attack actually had high cholesterol. Similar findings have been proven in repeated studies before and since. So there must be another cause other than a bad LDL level.

Myth About Cholesterol 2

The most drastic proof of the ineffectiveness of statins, however, comes from a study published in 2008 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers showed that treatment with two statins lowered cholesterol much more than treatment with one statin alone. Good so far for the pharmaceutical industry.

The truth About Cholesterol Problem

Shouldn’t a lower LDL cholesterol level improve your heart health? But it does NOT as studies have proven! At the same time, statins cause all kinds of side effects that are often more serious than heart attack and stroke.

So what is the real best solution for High Cholesterol?

This brings us back to the one ingredient that is the cause of all the plaque buildup in your arteries. The one ingredient that you’re consuming on a daily basis, without even knowing it exists. And how cutting it out, will completely prevent stroke and heart attack.

All the major studies and research about this information is packed in one digital product called "The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy".

In fact, this is so strongly hidden that the general public has very little chance of learning about this on their own.

Click Here to find out more about Secret foods ingredient to cleanse your arteries from cholesterol plaque - prevent stroke and heart attack

How to Stop Snoring Permanently - Cure Sleep Apnea Completely with 3 Minutes Simple Exercises

Stop Snoring Permanently - Cure Sleep Apnea Completely

Are You Snoring?

Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. In some cases, the sound may be soft, but in most cases, it can be loud and unpleasant. Snoring during sleep may be a sign, or first alarm, of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Research suggests that snoring is one of the factors of sleep deprivation.

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring occurs when the muscles in your throat are in relaxation mode, which is the case when you sleep. As you fall into deep sleep, your throat muscles relax, making the air passageway narrower and floppy. Your tongue also falls backwards. With every breath you take in and out, your throat vibrates – this is what causes the characteristic sound of snoring. As your airway becomes narrower, the louder the snoring becomes because the vibrations become greater. This is because the air struggles to get through your soft palate, tongue, uvula (the triangle-shaped tissue that hangs from your soft palate) and tonsils. In some cases, obstructions in the airway can occur, causing impaired breathing and louder snoring. Sleep apnea is one example of this disorder.

Five things that block the airflow, causing the five types of snoring.

•  Throat clamping down (often associated with sleep apnea)
•  Tongue falling into the throat while sleeping
•  Narrow nasal passages (or congestion) blocking the airflow
•  Tension in the jaw narrowing the air passages (more common than you'd think)
•  The soft palate is too weak or unusually big (this is one of the most common diagnoses for completely unnecessary snoring surgeries)
Here are a few more of the most common things that can cause snoring :
•  A condition where the body has excessive amount of fat
•  A chronic disease that can be treated
•  A disease epidemic
•  A condition that has concerned with other diseases and may can reduce a quality of life
•  Obesity teatment requires a very high costs.

Dangerous things about Snoring you should aware?

Nearly 1/3 of those who snore also suffer sleep apnea, a potentially deadly condition (often without knowing it). Snoring and sleep apnea limit your breathing and, therefore, the amount of oxygen you take in during the night.

This often leads to fatal conditions such as:
•  Type 2 Diabetes
•  Stroke or heart attack
•  Alzheimers and other dementia
•  Fatigue and tiredness during the day
•  Obesity (sleep apnea is one of the reason)
Also about 50% of people have a partner who snores. This means that snoring affects almost everyone in one way or another. And having someone keep you up every night with their loud snoring is even more serious than snoring yourself. Lack of good quality sleep causes many of the same symptoms as snoring does, but much more drastically.

Permanent Cure for Snoring?

So, if you want to stop snoring, your first step is to figure out what, specifically, is causing you to snore. Then you can take steps to deal with that specific, underlying cause.

Stop Snoring Permanently - Cure Sleep Apnea Completely

You Should try 3 Minutes Simple Exercises Program That will Completely Stop Your Horrendous Snoring And Cure Your Sleep Apnea Permanently.

Learn 24 stop snoring exercises secret that each focus on a specific issue. And they will permanently CURE your snoring. If you do it properly you will see the result within a week, and often, the very first night. Click Here to Start now and Find out More!

How to reverse impaired kidney function and got off Dialysis Forever

Cure Kidney Disease with the most proven way fast and secure - The Cheapest Kidney Disease Solution by Robert Galarowicz ND

Definition of Kidneys Disease

Kidney function is to filters out impurities and excess water from blood, and then process it become urine. The kidneys function also to help control blood pressure and produce hormones needed by the body to stay healthy. Once the kidneys are impaired or damaged, dirt and other useless substances will accumulate in the body, and lead to many health problems.

The human body has two kidney, shaped like bean and the size is about the size of the fist. To cleanse the blood of impurities, the kidneys release three important hormones:

Erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells.
Renin, which functions to regulate blood pressure.
Calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D, which helps to supply calcium to the bones and maintain the chemical balance in the body.

The risk of Kidney Disease

The number of people with kidney disease is increasing nowadays.. Every person has a risk of having kidney disease, regardless of age and gender. However, the biggest risk of kidney disease found in people who have:

Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Heart disease
A family medical history of kidney failure.

Kidney Disease Symptoms

When you have impaired kidney function or kidney disease, you will be experiencing a wide range of symptoms. The most significant being:

Overwhelming Fatigue, you feel absolutelly exhausted even if you haven't done anything, you feel totally drained. This may be from anemia which is a consequence of kidney disease and can be treated.
Change in Urination, getting up durring the night to urinate, it may be foamy or bubbly. You may have to go more often with less urine that's dark and smelly or with more urine that's light.
Swelling, when your kidneys don't remove the extra fluid, your feet, ankles, legs, face and hands can swell. Your kidneys remove waste and toxins from your bloodstream. When you have impaired kidney function or kidney disease, the toxins come out in your skin causing a rash and itching.

More Kidney Disease Symptoms are headaches, disturbed sleep, nausea and vomiting, restless leg syndrome, chest pain due to inflammation around the hearth, bone pain and fractures, decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction.

Tips to keep your kidney healthy

Having healthy kidneys is extremely important, because its functions that are vital for the body health in general. Here are some tips that can help to keep your kidneys stay healthy, especially when you are at risk for kidney disease:

Maintain your blood pressure remained at normal range, or in accordance with the targets given by the doctor. This can prevent kidney failure.
For people with diabetes, always make sure to maintain and control the blood sugar levels.
Keep the cholesterol levels remain normal in your body.
Reduce consumption of salt. The excess salt that you consume will be brought to the kidneys, and also include calcium which contained in your food. The presence of calcium in the kidneys can impair kidney function and make it unhealthy.
Adopting a heart-healthy diet, you must more diligent consuming fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and daily foods that are low in fat.
Limit the amount of alcohol that enters your body
Get used to to be more physically active, for example by exercising regularly.
Running a weight loss program, if you are overweight
For smokers, considering to stop smoking immediately. Smoking can have serious and harmful effects on your kidneys

The most common causes of kidney disease/damage are Diabetes and Hypertension. Both of these health conditions can damage the kidneys slowly over the years. Kidney disease in the early stages has no signs or symptoms at all. Sufferers probably will not feel any difference until the disease has entered an advanced stage, and kidney damage has brought a variety of health problems.

This fact reinforces the reason for us to always maintain the kidneys and body health generally by adopting a healthy diet lifestyle in our daily life.

Kidneys Disease Recommendation Treatment

To put it simply, when your kidneys are not working efficiently, the toxins build up in your body making you feel more unwell as time goes on. As bad as those kidney symptoms may seem, if you do not treat your cause, then your efforts will be furtile. That's the key to your healing..

If you want to learn how to reverse your impaired kidney function and heal your kidneys with scientifically proven, unique, step-by-step, and safe method, you can try The Kidney Disease Solution : How To Improve Your Kidney Function With The "No Dialysis Needed" All Natural Kidney Function Restoration Program!.

The video presentation is available on his site. Click here if you interested..

Thanks you for visiting : How to cure Kidney Disease and got off Kidney Dialysis Forever. Please feel free to click like or share button if you thing this article is helpful.

How to reduce High Blood Pressure Level - Hypertension Lowered in Just Few Short Weeks

Reduced High Blood Pressure with the best proven solution - The Cheapest Biofeedback Method by Andy Krals

Definition of Hypertension or High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a medical condition where the blood pressure in body is increased to a high level. This condition could be a sign or triggers for stroke, heart attack or heart failure with a higher risk than normal conditions.. In addition, there are several cases shows that people with hypertension also have a serious problems in the kidneys.

High or low a person's blood pressure has a close relation with their risk level to the disease. A person's blood pressure may change, fall and rise depend on their activity, emotional, and etc. Therefore, to diagnose hypertension, a blood pressure checks should be done 2 times or more.

The normal level of blood pressure with general health, height, weight and normal activity level is 120/80 mmHg. In daily activities, a blood pressure normally at stable level. But generally, the numbers level of blood pressure will decreased during sleep and increased when doing activity or exercise.

If people with a high blood pressure is not getting the treatment and control on a regular basis, then this may bring the patient into serious cases and even can lead to death. The continuously high blood pressure causes the heart to working extra hard, this condition eventually results in a damage of 'kidneys, brain, eyes and heart 'blood vessels . Hypertension disease is a common cause of stroke and heart attack.

Blood Pressure Levels Chart - Reduce your High Blood Pressure Now With The Most Proven Solution
This blood pressure chart can help you figure out about your blood pressure levels

Some factors that causes hypertension

There are several factors that will determine the risk of getting hypertension. Age range is one of the main factors. Adult-elderly people are more likely to develop hypertension compared with those who was young.

In addition, foods which commonly consumed also contribute a lot to the chances of developing hypertension. People who consume salt/sodium too much has a higher risk levels. People with unhealthy lifestyle, always busy at work, and lack of exercise also has a high risk levels of developing hypertension. Besides, stress, obesity, alcohol, cafein, sugar and saturated fat are important factors we must avoid.

High Blood Pressure Treatment and Prevention

The major treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension) is developing self-discipline on diet to control the blood pressure in body remain stable or even decrease slightly but sure.

There are some tips to prevent high blood pressure (hypertension) :

Reduce consumption of salt. If you already suffering from high blood pressure you should avoid foods that contain salt include: bacon, cheese, chips, coated chicken, corn snacks, gravy granules, ham, pickles, salt fish, hoops, olives, noodle, snacks and etc.
Consume foods that high in potassium, magnesium and calcium such as raw spinach, mackerel, tuna, soy beans, brown rice, avocados, bananas, and dark chocolate, because it can reduce high blood pressure.
Consume vegetables and fruits that high in fiber such as green vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, carrots, melons, and oranges.
Routine Exercise. If you have been suffering from high blood pressure, Choose a light exercise such as walking, cycling, running relaxed, and swimming. Do it for 30 to 45 minutes a day 3 times a week.
Control of diabetes, cholesterol level, manage your stress and quit smoking also contributes greatly to reducing high blood pressure (hypertension).
Avoid drugs that can increase blood pressure, and always consult a doctor.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Recommended Treatment

Just like a fever when you have a cold, high blood pressure is a symptom of a deeper issue: Your body is trying to tell you something.

Dont depend too much on drugs, because blood pressure drugs don’t even cure the real cause of your high blood pressure, they just cover up the real underlying problem, like a chemical band-aid. Sure, you can try to cover up the real problem up with pills, but the true cause of your high blood pressure is still there.

I personally recomend you a special method called The Bloodpressure Program by Blue Heron Health News (Special technique, previously only available in medical research studies). The Bloodpressure Program is about helping you find real solutions and true cures.. Click here if you interest to find out about Blue Heron Health News..

Thanks you for visiting : How to reduce High Blood Pressure Level - Hypertension Become normal only 30 days. Please feel free to click like or share button if you thing this article is helpful.

Type 2 Diabetes Recommended Treatment - Cure Diabetes Naturally with the most proven way

Overcome Your Diabetes Today by Matt Traverso, Stop Taking Insulin Forever

Type 2 Diabetes Definition

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes, at 90% of all diabetes cases. This disease used to be called as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus of (NIDDM), because it does not depend on the insulin hormone. Unlike type 1 diabetes, people with type 2 diabetes still produce insulin. Then why blood sugar levels is increased when the body is still producing insulin? This happens because the amount of insulin that's produced does not meet the needs of the body or because body cells do not respond to insulin properly/as it should be (insulin resistance). Beside, Genetic factors also believed as the main causes of type 2 diabetes progression.

Over the time, high blood sugar (glucose) can lead to dehydration, weight loss, and nerve damage, which leads to various complications associated with diabetes such as kidney failure, heart disease, eye damage, severe infections (especially in the legs), and etc..

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes may be different for each person. High levels of glucose in the blood can cause the following symptoms:

Often feel thirsty
Often feel hungry, even after eating
Frequency of urination is increased
Dry mouth
Nausea or vomiting
Dramatically lost weight
Fatigue (feeling tired and weak)
Blurred vision
Prone to skin infections
Slow wound healing, although only a scratches
Immediately consult a doctor if the above symptoms occur, for detecting diabetes and early treatment is very important in order to prevent the complications which can result from this high blood sugar condition. Many people are diagnosed with diabetes after being taken to the hospital due to severe complications or diabetic coma.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes Treatment is always focused on keeping the blood sugar levels (glucose) remained at normal levels. The process is usually carried out by adapting a healthy lifestyle with well planned, according with the relevant conditions of diabetics.

Healthy lifestyle is meant to be a diet / eating right or healthy and regular exercise. That is the two main elements that must be maintained properly by people with diabetes. Diet / eating right or healthy will help to control the sugar that goes into the body. Regular exercise will increase your metabolism, to be able to maintain glucose levels remain normal, and increasing the sensitivity of body cells to insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes Recommended Treatment

If you or a loved one is suffering with Type 2 Diabetes, i would like to introduce you 3 Simple Step Strategy Completely Reverses Type 2 Diabetes In 28 Days Or Less - 100% Guaranteed!.

You about to learn little-known, but 100% scientifically-proven way to reverse pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. There is a way to put an end to all of this and there is a way to change everything. You can feel normal again and lower your blood sugar naturally. The most important part is you can do it without the harmful drugs, without the needles , without expensive treatments, and no fear of awful side effects. Just take your time for a moment and watch a video presentation which explain to you how to finally push the “Stop” button on your Type 2 Diabetes –starting right now!. Click here to watch and learn!

Thanks you for visiting : Type 2 Diabetes Recommended Treatment - Cure Diabetes Naturally with the most proven way. Please feel free to click like or share button if you thing this article is helpful.

How to Stop Taking Insulin and Cure Diabetes Type 1 Naturally in just 21 days

Overcome Your Diabetes Naturally Today by Matt Traverso - Cure Diabetes and prevent the recurrence forever

Definition of Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus, or usually just called as diabetes, is a chronic condition characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood, whether it because decreased production of insulin, or because the insulin resistance in body, or a combination of both. Generally there are two types of diabetes, namely Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body is lacks of insulin, thus causing blood glucose levels are increased above the normal. Insulin is used to absorb nutrients and sugars in the blood, and then circulate it to the various cells in the body to be used as the source of energy.

People with type 1 diabetes only produce very little amount of insulin or even none at all. These conditions can lead to the following :

a. Dehydration
High levels of sugar that contained in the blood will increase the frequency of urination as a reaction to reduce the sugar levels. When the blood sugar is out with urine, the body will also lose a lot of water, resulting in dehydration.

b. Losing weight
Blood sugar (glucose) is the energy source for the body. Glucose that was wasted with urine also contains a lot of nutrients and calories which needed by human body. Therefore, people with type 1 diabetes will also losing weight drastically.

c. Damage in the body
The high levels of sugar in the blood will cause damage to the body tissues. This condition will also damage the small blood vessels in the eyes, kidneys and heart. People with diabetes are at higher risk for heart attack and stroke.

Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes. Type 1 diabetes can lead to the following symptoms:

Often feel thirsty
Often feel hungry, especially after eating
Dry mouth
Nausea up to vomiting
Weight loss for no apparent reason
The vision become blurred
Wounds or skin and urinary tract infections
Breathing rapidly, and
Stomach ache

Type 1 Diabetes Treatment

Many people with type 1 diabetes able to live long and stay healthy. The key is to keep blood glucose levels remain at normal levels. These conditions can be achieved by adjusting the diet / healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, exercise, and insulin therapy. People with type 1 diabetes must get a insulin injections regularly, because the body can not produce insulin normally.

People with diabetes have to check their blood sugar levels regularly, so it can be determine the diet, exercise and the amount of insulin are needed in the body.

Diabetes Recommended Treatment.

If you want to discover exactly what you must do, you need to watch video presentation by The International Council For The Truth In Medicine right now. Since it's so loaded with the important information you need about Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 also.

PS : It will show you how you can radically decrease your need for insulin in most cases. In some cases do away with it completely! You can do it without insulin or glucose-lowering drugs, without harmful treatments, and without having to continue to turn your life upside down. all 100% clinically proven and guaranteed to work. Click here to Watch and Find out more about The Big Diabetes Lie

Thanks you for visiting : How to Stop Taking Insulin and Cure Diabetes Type 1 Naturally in just 21 days. Please feel free to click like or share button if you thing this article is helpful.

The Most Proven Diet Tips For Women - How to lose weight fast with a healthy natural way

Weight lose solution for women

If you're women and you want to lose weight but everything you’ve been doing up until now has not worked, nothing else worked..and you dont know why? I think you're in the right place at the right time. Just keep reading because you will find something that might change your life.

Why You Need to Diet?

The main reason that women are on a diet is to look perfect for her partner or the opposite sex. However, in order to improve the appearance, they often choose the instant way but ignore the bad effects of an unhealthy diet, to be able to have a slim body.

Instant Way? (Think again!)

Obviously, most women are willing to diets because the existence of fat in some parts of female body, such as thighs, stomach, and arms. The excessive of fat in the body surely will ruin the appearance and effect on the self confidence. Liposuction is the Instant way that's often used to reduce body fat at beauty clinics. The main weakness of this procedure besides the cost that relative expensive, because it is not only done once, the result of liposuction also would not be maximal.

Diet With a Healthy Natural Way? (Why Not!)

The goal of this "Diet With Healthy Natural Way" is also to eliminate fat in the thighs, stomach, and arms. To get started with this diet method you are advised to have a discipline to do the diet and get used to live a healthier lifestyle.

Here Are Some Tips How To Diet With a Healthy Natural Way :

1) Reducing consumption of foods that High in Carbohydrates (such as rice, bread, pizzas, Cakes, or potato chips). Consuming carbohydrates wisely will reduce fat in some parts of the body.

2) Consume a variety of nutrients in one single day. That mean the food you eat in one day, fulfill the need of carbohydrates, vegetables, proteins and fruits. Consumption of vegetables along with meat will help completing the nutrition, and accelerate the feeling of satiety.

3) Do not overeat (or do not eat until you feel full). This matter because it will impact negatively on you, including the buildup of fat in the thighs, stomach, and arms. Eat a variety of foods in moderation, for example when you eat fruits and vegetables, do not overdo it.

4) Natural Healthy Diet also have to be balanced with exercise or physical exercise. Physical exercise is not just running, walking, or just daily activities, but fitness or sport exercise that must be programmed with an experienced instructors.

But in fact most of them only works for Man!!!! Want to know why? Just keep reading and you will find the answer.

certain part they need the most to reduce fat

Want To Try Unusual Tip Allows You To Strategically Eat The Foods You Crave Most, and Still Experience The Slimmest, Sexiest Waistline of Your Life?

Listen, before we go any further let me assure you this has nothing to do with silly exercise machines, cardio, restrictive or pre-packaged diets, or whatever weird berry pill the diet industry is talking about these days. This is something completely different and you’re going to love it.

And look, it’s also important for me to be 100% honest and upfront with you.

If you’re looking for that magic weight loss answer, or if you just want this week’s celebrity fad diet…Or some gimmick deep down you already know will never work, The Venus Factor is not for you.

The Venus Factor is only for Women that are ready to put down the gimmick answers in order to follow a proven, flavorful step by step system for lifelong weight loss.

So, if you want the real answer to permanent, female weight loss. And if you want to get the bikini body you desire without damaging your metabolism, or spending endless hours in the gym and sacrificing your favorite foods or red wine to do it, then The Venus Factor isn’t just “a system” for you...

Here’s the EXACT Reason You Should NEVER Diet Like a Man...

Science has now discovered that virtually everything to do with weight loss for both men and women is controlled by 1 master hormone. This hormone that controls 100% of your body’s ability to burn fat is Leptin.

You may not know how leptin works, so let me quickly explain :

High levels of Leptin speed up your metabolism and signal your body to burn fat and low levels of Leptin slow down your metabolism and signal your body to store fat. Those are the basics, now get ready for some surprising facts regarding Women and Leptin.

Researchers recently discovered that women naturally have twice as much of the fat burning hormone Leptin in their body compared to men. That’s the good news!

Want to know the exact reason why it is so much more difficult for you to lose weight and keep it off compare to man?

However, brand new research revealed the following bad news that explains why women can struggle so much to lose unattractive body fat and keep it off :

The reason why women can struggle so much to lose unattractive body fat and keep it off

And have you ever suffered from that terrible rebound weight gain after you stop a diet? Well that’s because your Leptin dropped significantly making your metabolism even slower than before you started the diet resulting in fat piling back on even when you’re eating next to nothing.

So, to quickly recap :

Unique problem #1 you face when trying to lose weight is your “resistance” or “insensitivity” to Leptin’s signal to burn fat which is basically like having your body’s fat burning switch set to OFF.

And unique problem #2 you face is the rapid drop in your leptin levels when you diet which slows down your metabolism substantially and leads to frustrating weight loss plateaus and massive rebound weight gain. Not Fun!

Fact is evolution has made it much more difficult for women to lose weight by keeping leptin’s signal to burn fat ‘disconnected’.

because of the demands of child bearing, and child nurturing. Your body doesn’t know or care about your desires for a sexy waistline that looks hot in those skinny jeans.nAll it knows is the unattractive body fat you’re carrying provides stored energy and warmth to ensure protection and survival of the next generation.

With this being the case...Guess what happens with your Leptin issues following pregnancy!? Well, they get a lot worse which is exactly why losing that baby weight can be painstakingly difficult as my sister Lisa knew all too well.

You see, your body is hardwired to fight a losing battle with leptin every single time you attempt to lose weight. And I’m sure you can now truly understand why this is totally not your fault.

Yet, this is where it gets real interesting- Recall the good news researchers discovered that You naturally have twice as much Leptin as a man. This, as odd as it sounds..Means you have much more fat burning potential than men. It’s just almost completely UNTAPPED. It’s Like your genetics has been playing a cruel trick on you!

What if I told you there is a solution to turn the tables on your genetics by reseting the way your body utilizes letpin to permanently turn your fat burning switch all the way on, and never let it drop again.

Become sexier with diet tips for women
Can you picture how much firmer and flatter your stomach becomes and how much tighter and sexier you look and feel?

Can you imagine how much faster and easier you lose weight when you have your master fat burning hormone working in overdrive for you instead of against you? The difference is like night and day!

Well, you can make this your reality starting today just like all of the real, everyday women you’ve been seeing have. There is now a solution proven to deliver these spectacular results and it’s called Metabolic Override.

What is Metabolic Override?

Metabolic override consists of simple, yet extremely powerful strategies that hold the key to unleashing your full fat burning potential that your genetics has kept locked away your whole life. These totally unique strategies have transformed now countless hundreds of women have experienced the same shocking, life-changing results.

The tried, true and proven metabolic override strategies have now been honed into 1 guaranteed plan for permanent female fat loss. I’d like to introduce you to what really is The Future of Female Fat Loss.

The Cheapes Venus Factor by John Barban
#1 Recommended Solution For Weight loss (Women)

And for your information, you about to hear from world class expert nutrition, physiology and biology that is Taught Human Performance at University of Florida (UF). His name is John Barban. He is dedicated his entire life to study of fat loss and human body. (Click Here) to watch the full presentation about The Venus Factor. The presentation share breakthrough tips to help women lose weight fast where they need to most and keep it off for good.
Do the smart thing, the right thing. Make today one that you’ll always remember as a great day…… A life changing day! (Click Here to Get The Venus Factor Today).