Are you suffering from acne? I know exactly how you feel right now because i've been there myself. Maybe you're extremly confused about acne? and you hear crazy thing like "it's your genetics so once you have it, you will never get rid of it..". You deeply frustrated because everything you tried has not work. You fade up with all the empty promises, quick fix scams, some sleazy treatment repost. You want something that works. Works quickly to erase your acne and pave the way to permanently smooth and clean skin. How do you feel when you thing about your acne or looking the mirror? Angry? depressed? hopeless? cursed? lacking confidence? Envious of other people who dont have acne? Are you just down right frustrated because you know there must be an answer to your problem but you just haven't been able to find it. Well, you just found it!
Definition of Acne :
Acne is a condition where the skin pores get clogged, resulting in an inflamed pus-filled sac. Acne also can be defined as a common skin condition incurred due to a combination of excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells that clog the skin pores. Bacteria that cause acne will grow in this blend and reproduce. If we didnt do anything for anticipation, the pores that get clogged will swell up and oozing pus.Acne is a skin disease that affects most people at some point during their life. Dr. Albert M. Kligman, the world's famous dermatologist believes, "No one human in this world that can going through their life without getting a pimple on the skin."
Why does acne occur? Acne usually occur due to the following :
1. There is blockage of dead skin layer on the infected pores.2. Too much produced oil glands
3. Because of the parents' genetic inheritance.
4. Hormonal factors such as young age at puberty.
5. Skin irritation.
6. Stressful lifestyles.
7. Birth control pills.
Normally a dead skin layer and oil that does not cleaned will clog the pores and form a blackheads. Blackheads may become inflamed if it contaminated with Propionibacterium Acnes (P Acnes). This inflamation what we know as pimples or acne. Everyone has their resistance against P Acnes. Acne does not only appear on the face but also other parts like the chest, back, arms, legs, etc..
How to prevent Acne? Here are some tips how to prevent acne :
- | Always clean your face with a cleanser that suits your skin type at least once a day and before you went to rest. |
- | Do not consume foods that contain large amounts of fat. High-consumption of fat may be the one that causes acne. For example: chocolate, nuts, fried foods, etc. |
- | Physical activity or exercise to excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin. And when you sweat, it will come out of the pores indicating your skin pores are not clogged with dirt.. |
- | Avoid stress and depression. Stay calm when you face the problem. Stress too much makes hormones that cause acne more productive. |
- | Drink more water to accelerate your body metabolism. A smooth metabolism will clean up the dirt that contained in your blood. |
Want to know a secret how exactly i cured my acne and get a total clear skin in just 21 days?
Well, it's gonna blow yor mind. The best acne treatment in the world is.. no acne treatment. Now that may came as a shock to you, but here is why and it is the truth. If you treat acne by focusing on the external symptom using entire flamatory or antibiotic drugs, gel or creams you will temporarily decrease the inflammation swelling and redness of your acne. That's ok if you want life depended on expensive drugs and chemicals. But that's not what most of us want!!There are 3 simple principles you must understand in order to gain permanently clear skin :
1. What acne really is and why you have it.
2. What doesn't work and what makes your acne worse.
3. The only proven way to get rid of acne forever!
So what can you expect if you in practicely these 3 priciples?
I'm proud to tell you : "Former severe ACNE SUFFERER finally reveals the only holistic system in existence that will show you how to permanently cure your ACNE in 30-60 days and achieve the lasting clear skin you deserve, using a unique step-by-step method no one else will tell you about. All packed in one portable ebook (PDF Format) called Acne No More System by Mike Walden".
Who is Mike Walden? You maybe wondering who is mike and why he sharing this critical material with you?
For who else that know him in real life, he is also a past acne sufferer. In fact, his history of acne is the worst I have ever heard. The book begins with his story and believe me he had it bad. In his own words :“I am also a former acne sufferer. From the age of 13 (I’m 34 today) I’ve been suffering from severe form of acne Vulgaris. I had large cysts on my cheeks, on my chin line and on my back and shoulders. My nose and forehead were constantly oily and covered with red spots.”
Anyways, his severe acne motivated him to become a medical researcher, nutritionist, member of the American Holistic Health Association, and eventually the creator of the Acne No More System.
(Mike Walden is a medical researcher, nutritionist and author of the Acne No More System)
The first thing that what he discovered on his 7 year of research was that almost everyone is getting ripped-off by the drugs and skin care companies. The skin care and pharmaceutical industry are loaded with sneak or marketer who getting rich by preying on your desperation and dream of clear skin. You need to realize this, the industry selling conventional acne treatment are your enemy. They don't want you to get rid of your acne because when you do they lose a customer. And if every customer they lose, they also lose a lot of money.
Finally The Acne Puzzle is Solved
Mike Walden itself takes about 7 Years of Study, for Research, Trial, Error and Experimentation. Now he gonna share with us through Acne No More System. Luckily we dont have to spend a lot time like him. Thanks and respect to Mike Walden.Here is the FREE Video Presentationt that's gonna show you the solution how to eradicate most of your existing acne in next 30 days and how to permanently eliminate the root cause of your acne gan gain the clear skin you have always dreamed of.
(Click Mike Walden's Acne No More System Video Reveals Free To Watch Streaming Video Presentation by Mike Walden)
(X) Don't worry this is not another sale paid for acne medication.
(X) This is not another topical acne gel, acne cleanser or lotion.
(X) This is not another crazy acne diet scam.
(X) This is not another acne vitamin B5 therapy.
(X) This is not another herbal or chinesse acne remedies.
(V) But this is real information you can use right now.
(Click Acne No More Testimonial to see what they say about Acne No More System and Some Success Story)
Vicky Evans, 26 From United Kingdom, (
Shawn Heiner From U.S.
Medical Researcher, Nutritionist, Health Consultant and Former Acne Sufferer Teaches You How To :
- Permanently Cure Your Acne Within 2 Months
- End The Breakouts & See Results In Less Than 7 Days!
- Eliminate Blackheads, Excessive Oiliness and Redness
- Remove Most Types of Scars and Acne Marks
- Look Better, Feel Better and Regain Your Self Esteem
- Improve The Quality Of Your Life Dramatically!
- Step-By-Step Fully Illustrated Guides
Here is a small sample of what you'll learn when you download your copy of the Acne No More System today :
1. | The clinically proven step by step Acne No More Clear Skin success System. Simply Follow the steps in the order they appear in the program and you are guaranteed to eliminate your acne from the inside out, get rid of ANY type of acne symptom and dramatically improve the quality of your life and well-being. |
2. | Step-by-Step Instructional Diagrams and Illustrations that Will Take You By the Hand and Walk You Through Clearing Your Acne Faster Than you Ever Thought Possible! |
3. | A simple and shockingly easy 30 minute daily routine to eliminate EVERY symptom of acne you may have that works instantaneously. It could be regular acne, blackheads, whiteheads, etc. I have even included POWERFUL All Natural masks specifically designed for acne sufferers. All you should do is follow the easy steps in this amazing protocol and you'll be free of all annoying and debilitating acne symptoms in a matter of hours. |
4. | The shocking truth about conventional acne treatments and the medication trap and how you can finally free yourself and use the natural approach forever. |
5. | The top ten worst foods you should never eat. |
6. | The top ten best clear skin foods you should eat all the time. |
7. | A simple method to increase the ability of your body to stop the root cause of blackheads that works almost like magic. |
8. | The most powerful external clear skin secret weapon the skin care industry doesn't want you to find out (this is why most celebrities have such flawless skin!). |
9. | The one secret 100% natural hormonal balancing supplement that you should always take on a daily basis which alone is guaranteed to make dramatic impact on your acne condition sometimes in a matter of days! |
10. | The cardinal sin of acne treatment almost everyone is guilty of, which instead of curing your acne weakens and destroys your body's natural ability to defend itself, thus putting your health in serious risk and making your acne worse in the long run (and almost everybody's doing it!). |
11. | How to improve the vitality and texture of your skin faster than you ever thought possible - almost instantly using this one natural product from Chile! (you'll notice the difference the very first few days). |
12. | The 4 most important nutritional foundations to an effective clear skin program (ignore these and you'll never get rid of your acne). |
13. | The #1 most effective way to determine your acne trigger (If you could only make one step towards better understanding what specifically triggers your acne this would be it!). |
14. | Dozens of the best-kept external clear skin secrets of that almost NOBODY knows about...compiled by a 7 year study. |
15. | Finally the complete and honest answer as to why some people have acne and why others don't and why some people always seem to make their acne worse and how you can GUARANTEE to stop it permanently. |
16. | The amazing connection between physical activity and acne and why, when, where and how you can start 'exercising' your way to acne free life today! |
17. | The 2 breathing strategies that make a significant effect over your body to start heal itself and regulate its hormonal activity. |
18. | Why no special diet or detox program will ever cure your acne |
19. | Why you'll never get the whole truth about drugs, creams and acne from almost any doctor (Even if they wanted to tell you, this is why they CAN'T!). |
20. | The "overlooked" natural POWDER that can almost miraculously eliminate these residual red spotty areas (post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation). |
21. | Why this "almost magical" combination of three types of herbs will empower your body's self-immune mechanism and cleansing abilities (required to eliminate acne) dramatically! |
22. | The psychology of permanent clear skin...Goal setting and motivation strategies that program your subconscious mind for to succeed. Follow this "secret mental strategy formula" and your motivation levels and will power to change your acne condition will become like instincts. |
23. | The psychological reason why most people decide not to do what it takes to rid themselves from their acne and how to make sure this never happens to you! |
24. | Why acne is a WARNING sign that something is wrong in your system and in some cases even a warning sign for much worse diseases and what you can learn from it and do about it. |
25. | The simple, cheap yet deadly effective method of getting rid of system blockage and allowing your body to strengthen, heal and fortify itself. |
26. | The most potent and controversial method of rebuilding your main organs of elimination and its effect on your skin condition. (This important step alone has done wonders to thousands of acne sufferers faster than they ever thought possible). |
27. | The secret and most powerful way for eradicating the most harmful micro-organism that inhabits most acne sufferers, pollutes your blood and stresses your system as we speak. |
28. | The truth about parasites and acne and how you can eliminate these harmful creatures using a simple proven 7-day routine. |
29. | The CRUCIAL link between insomnia, stress and acne and exactly what you should do to significantly control or completely eliminate these afflictions from your life. |
30. | The disturbing connection between an unbalanced body and acne and what you can do to bring your body back into balance quickly. |
31. | Important lessons you can learn from the Benzoyl Peroxide and Proactiv users including the reasons why most people fail on both of these treatments in the long run. |
32. | How you can finally completely and safely eliminate your acne scars by using these overlooked cheap 100% natural products. |
And much much more...
And believe me.... this is just the tip of the iceberg! Acne No More is so much more than just an "e-book". It's a complete holistic system for sure-fire acne freedom success - possibly the most comprehensive acne cure system that has ever developed.
An Important Reason Why You Should Try The Acne No More System Today and Stop Wasting Your Time:
Over 138,000 men and women in 157 countries have already used the program successfully over the past 7 years! And they've used the feedback from all of those men and women to refine the system into the current updated 2010 version. Not only that, but the Acne No More program has one of the highest satisfaction rates in the entire men and women's health industries: 98.2% of Acne No More users are satisfied with the program. These reader satisfaction statistics above prove that if you apply the5-step approach of the Acne No More, you WILL get results... plain and simple!As a matter of fact, they had their technical team use a database of customer zip codes to plot a map of all of their customers in the US alone...SEE BELOW! Keep in mind this is only a map of my US-based readers, since the address data for all of their international readers couldn't be plotted by their map software.
As you can see, this map displays all of the readers of the Acne No More program in the US alone. All total, they've had over 138,000 users in 157 countries to date.
Life is too short to try and cure acne on your own through trial and error. Get Acne No More System today Before It Getting Worse Comes To Worst! and You'll Also Receive 5 FREE bonuses + Counseling Worth AT LEAST $243.8!
For More Detail About : How to cure acne permanently? Acne No More is the best solution to get rid of acne scars fast and natural for man and women Click here